Sunday, September 11, 2016

The "Awful Leisure" of Loss

There is a very good first-person article today in the “Perspective” section of the Denver Post. Headlined, “What it means to have been born on Sept. 11, 2001,” it is the perspective of a young woman who was born on this day 15 year ago, and how people react when she tells them that, yes, she was born on 9/11.

I have another perspective of this day, one that I would title, ““What it means to have your beloved sister pass away on Sept. 11, 2015.”

One year ago today, I was in the middle of interviewing for a new job, one that would allow me to work remotely full time. This was a goal for me, ever since my sister, who had been in declining health for several years, finally was going to need to move in with me so I could look after her. And, because she couldn’t live with me in Colorado (the altitude), we had decided to move to California, where she could enjoy the benefits of living at sea level (and I could finally realize another goal I had of moving back to the Central Coast).

The interviews (there were three in total) had been going very well, and I was confident that I was going to be offered a position. I was looking forward to telling Colleen the news that very morning one year ago today. I was also hoping that she’d be awake and alert enough to take my call; she had gone into the hospital unexpectedly just four days previously and was having a rough go of it.
Unfortunately, she passed away before I could tell her the good news.

Jonathan H. Ellerby, in his book, “Return to the Sacred,” said this: “After the body is removed, the room is cleaned, and the funeral ends, life will eventually snap back into place. No one at the grocery store will know what’s in your heart, and no one at work will see your sadness. No one will ask you to give voice to the words you haven’t found yet.”

When a loved one passes, time begins to pass differently as well. For the person left behind and left to grieve, it’s as if we’ve entered another dimension, where time is measured not in days, hours, or minutes, but in another, more surreal, less measured way. Those who shared our sadness or grief, those who offered condolences, went back to their unchanged lives. But the person left behind will never have the same life to go back to.

Not long after a friend of mine passed away in 2001, an article titled, “Maybe We Do Not Speak Of It,” serendipitously appeared in the Rocky Mountain News. I cut it out of the paper and framed it next to a photo of my friend because it captured, far better than I could, that surreal feeling of time.
And, so many years later, on the anniversary of my sister’s passing, it still says in a few words what I feel today. I offer it to all of you, in memory of my sister, Colleen Lorraine Graham.

“Maybe we do not speak of it because death will mark all of us, sooner or later. Or maybe it is unspoken because grief is only the first part of it. After a time it becomes something less sharp but larger, too, a more enduring thing called loss.

Perhaps that is why this is the least explored passage: because it has no end. The world loves closure, loves a thing that can, as they say, be gotten through. This is why it comes as a great surprise to find that loss is forever, that two decades after the event, there are those occasions when something in you cries out at the continual presence of an absence.

“An awful leisure,” Emily Dickinson once called what the living have after death.

The landscapes of all our lives become as full of craters as the surface of the moon. And I write my obituaries carefully and think about how little the facts suffice, not only to describe the dead but to tell what they mean to the living all the rest of our lives. We are defined by who we have lost.”

Sunday, April 3, 2016

The Two Most Offensive Words in the English (Or Any Other) Language

Question: What are the two most offensive words in the English (or any other) language?

I’ll give you two hints:
  1. Neither word is on George Carlin’s famous, “Seven Words You Can Never Say On Television.”
  2. Unlike George Carlin’s Seven Words, both words are never censored, either on television or anywhere else (and, taken together, they should be).
Answer: Age Appropriate

Age appropriateness is generally defined as “suitable for people of a particular age.”
I once subscribed to a magazine that marketed itself as the magazine “for women of style and substance.” Since I like to believe that I have ample amounts of both style and substance, I loved that magazine. I tore out stories to keep for later reference, and quoted it often in my blogs.

Until I read an article about age appropriateness in all things, which caused me to promptly cancel my subscription.

Of course, there were the usual tips about clothing—and to my female readers, you know exactly what I’m talking about. The length of our skirts and dresses should become increasingly longer as we grow longer in the tooth, while the plunge of our crepe necklines should creep up in direct proportion to the amount of the crepe skin on our necks as it creeps down.

Now, I have to admit that there is some truth in some of this. I once went to a baseball game with a friend. As we were walking up to the ticket counter, we happened to get in line behind a woman who was encased in very tight lycra pants and a tank top. And, let us say that the woman was weight challenged. My friend looked at the woman, then looked at me, and said, “If you ever see me leaving the house dressed like that, please shoot me.”

Perhaps a bit extreme, but you all have my permission to do the same to me.

And, I firmly believe no woman over the age of 25 should ever be allowed to leave the house wearing Dockers pants.

So I wasn’t offended by the article on the articles of clothing that we should or should not wear.

No, it wasn’t until I got to the section on “Age Appropriate Hair” when I started feeling the heat creep up my admittedly crepey neck.

In discussing appropriate hair styles, the question of length cropped up again.

The recommendation: The older you get, the shorter, more cropped your hair should be.

The reasoning: Because long hair—from the back—suggests youth, which apparently serves as a kind of attitudinal bait and switch to people standing in line behind us waiting to get into, say, a baseball game.

The actual words that the article used were along these lines: Our long hair from the back can be unsettling to men when they see how long in the tooth we actually are from the front, which results in a sharp drop in their desire.

Okay, maybe I’m paraphrasing. But, hand to god, the article actually used the word UNSETTLING, as in “it can be unsettling to men when you turn around and they realize “just how old you really are.”

Now, being a woman of style and substance, and one who happens to have very long hair, I’d also like to believe that I am many things, from the back and the front, none of which I would describe as unsettling, to men or to anyone, for that matter. Arlene Dahl said it best when she acerbically snorted back to James Mason in the 1955 movie, Journey to the Center of the Earth, “I may have been a disturbance to men, never a burden.”

Keep in mind that the concept of age appropriateness isn’t restricted to just us old, crepey-necked, unsettling women. Implicit ageism is the term used to refer to the implicit or subconscious thoughts, feelings, and behaviors one has about older or younger people. These may be a mixture of positive and negative thoughts and feelings, but gerontologist Becca Levy reports that they “tend to be mostly negative.”

Ya think?

Age-based prejudice and stereotyping usually involves older or younger people being pitied, marginalized, or patronized. This is described as “benevolent prejudice” because the tendency to pity is linked to seeing older or younger people as “friendly, but incompetent,” or, in my case, unsettling.

Katrina Kaif said, “I feel it is important not to get overly obsessed and overly carried away with just the physical aspect. There is more to beauty than just the physical appearance. You are also a complete person, and a woman should have an identity beyond just the way she looks.”

Amen, sister.

And so if you happen to be in line behind me someday, please know that I will go on being unsettling—as well as disturbing, unexpected, crepey, long in the tooth and sometimes short in the skirt (but never in lycra or Dockers!).

And, as always, remember this: It’s NEVER too late to be what you might have been!

Want to know more about transforming limited thoughts and beliefs into limitless possibilities? Check out my Examine–Envision–Emerge Personal Transformation Book Series. Each book explores a particular aspect of thought healing. Find yours online at your favorite retailer today!

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Deja Vu All Over Again

#ThoughtHealing Quote for the Week: We can change the quality of our lives by changing the context in which we view our circumstances. Ernie Zelinkski

I can’t prove it, but I think there's a pool they started up at work when I returned last month after my 14-month "sabbatical": Pick the day when McDowell will stop looking refreshed and start looking like she did when she left here at the end of 2014.

I’m not sure what kind of odds I’m getting, but in the immortal words of Bruce Willis, “Put me down for twenty, I'm good for it.”

In my first week, several people commented on how refreshed I looked. Now, admittedly, it helped that I had just gotten back from Hawaii, so I definitely looked suntanned and rested. But it made me wonder: just how bad DID I look when I left?

Anyone who read my last book, “I’ve Been Down Here Before, But This Time I Know The Way Out,” knows that, in 2014, I left the very job I now hold because things had become completely out of control for me. Not because I disliked the work—on the contrary, the various things I got to work on were very suited to my interests and my skills. Instead, I left because my behavior had made me ashamed of myself, and I couldn’t figure out a way to dig myself out short of running when I got the chance.

And that chance came when I had the opportunity to accept a layoff and 26 weeks of unemployment.

Several people have asked, with no small amount of incredulity in their voices, why in heavens name I actually came back. And not a few of them have assumed that I must have been forced back somehow—maybe because I’ve run out of money, or I couldn’t get a job anywhere else.

I’ve started the rumor that I was offered $14 million to return. It seemed like a nice round figure.

It would be incredibly naive, and just plain stupid, to think that the workplace has changed in the 14 months that I’ve been gone. Of course it hasn’t changed. And since it hasn’t changed, most people believe that it’s just a matter of time before I start looking like I did before.

Except that I know I won’t. And how, you may ask, can I possibly be so sure about this?

Because, while the workplace hasn’t changed, my circumstances have. And so have I.

John Ramos said, “For things to change, you must change. For things to get better, you must get better.”

A lot can happen in 14 months (for that matter, a lot can happen in 14 minutes). And I had a choice: I could either continue to view my circumstances in the same way or I could change the context.
And, not only could I change how I viewed my circumstances, I could change my view of MYSELF within those circumstances.

I’ve changed. I’ve gotten better. And now everything around me has changed and gotten better as well.

So as you view your own circumstances, is there anything that you can change so that you, too, can get better?

Think about it!

And, as always, remember this: It’s NEVER too late to be what you might have been!

Want to know more about transforming limited thoughts and beliefs into limitless possibilities? Check out my Examine–Envision–Emerge Personal Transformation Book Series. Each book explores a particular aspect of thought healing. Find yours online at your favorite retailer today!

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Get Back To Where You Once Belonged

#ThoughtHealing Quote for This Week: “You must learn to respect the wisdom of your natural instincts, because they are probably superb when it comes to weaving everything you need into your life.” Barbara Sher

Last month, I wrote about how I found, and then, surprisingly, left the perfect job.

Now I want to share how this came about. I still believe that the Universe did, in fact, manifest the perfect job for me. I simply needed to come to understand why it was perfect for me—and why I needed to leave it.

In my book, Will Work to Feed Dogs: Seven Steps to Identifying Meaningful Life-Work Now!, I wrote this: a critical element in finding meaningful life work is determining which components of your Authentic Self are most important to you. This is because the components of your Authentic Self that are most important to you will help you make appropriate decisions and choices so that you don’t compromise when it comes to identifying your ideal life-work.

To help people determine what those components are, I included an exercise called, “My Authentic Self,” which consists of exploring five aspects: values, passions/interests, natural talents, favorite skills, and personality preferences. (Self-promoting plug: you can find the worksheet that goes with this exercise on my personal transformation site ).

Of course, in the spirit of “walk the talk,” I dutifully filled out the worksheet—but, as it turns out, not so much with a focus on what it really meant to me so much as a usability test drive to ensure that the worksheet made sense from a coaching perspective.

Bad idea. Okay, maybe that’s a little harsh. Maybe “too focused on only one thing” would be a better, less critical way to characterize it.

It’s not that I couldn’t identify all of the aspects of my Authentic Self; I live a very self-examined life, and, over the years, I’ve become quite an expert in what makes me tick and what’s most important to me.

However, when it came down to it, I was ashamed of what was most important to me. Why? Because of very old tapes running all the way back to my childhood.

And what was most important to me? Financial and personal security. Human, face-to-face interaction (I can talk to my dogs only so much). None of which were considered okay for me to need or want while I was growing up. And, none of which could ever be satisfied by my 100% remote, work for 18 months without benefits and then you’re on your own for 6 months Project Manager job.

Now, I won’t waste your time (or mine) chronicling the woes, real or perceived, of my childhood. Because the real lesson here is that, regardless of how I was raised, how I got here, where I go from here, the essential piece of the puzzle of how to live a happy life is owning what is true and necessary for me. Owning it without shame or apology or justification. Owning it, and then acting on it.

And so I ran from my perfect job—back to where I was at the end of 2014. I’m working at the same place (literally, in the same building), with the same people, for a great new company, for a great salary and benefits, a flexible work schedule (meaning onsite and telework), and where several of my closest friends also work. Perfect!

Barbara Sher also said: “You don’t have to give up a life of security to lead the life of adventure.”
Which I am finding to be very true for me. With my need for financial and personal security met, I can freely continue to pursue everything else that gives me personal satisfaction: writing, teaching, public speaking.

And so, let me leave you with this thought: looking at your own Authentic Self, is there any aspect of it that you are not honoring? And if there is, what is it costing you?

Think about it!

And, as always, remember this: It’s NEVER too late to be what you might have been!

Want to know more about transforming limited thoughts and beliefs into limitless possibilities? Check out my Examine–Envision–Emerge Personal Transformation Book Series. Each book explores a particular aspect of thought healing. Find yours online at your favorite retailer today!

Sunday, February 21, 2016

Finnegan Begin Again

When I decided to return to the workforce last June, I, wisely, turned to my very own book, Getting What You Wish For: A Short and Sweet Guide to Manifesting the Sweet Life!, for guidance in securing the “perfect” job: “Your desires must be focused, specific, and stated in such a way as to be given the answer you are looking for in order to bring about positive changes in your life.”

(I have to say, it’s terribly fun to be able to quote yourself!)

At the time, my #1 priority was finding employment that would enable me to become my sister’s primary caregiver; Colleen’s health had deteriorated to the point that she was going to need to move in with me, an eventuality that we knew was going to occur sooner or later. And now, it was time.

Keeping in mind that I needed to be specific in my request, here was my wish list for the “perfect job”:

  • 100% remote, so that I could relocate Colleen to the sea-level altitude she required without having to also worry about finding a job once we got to our new home
  • Sufficient income to provide for Colleen’s needs, take care of my dogs, and live the lifestyle I desired
  • Time to pursue my other interests: writing, teaching, and helping others in my Cracks in Consciousness personal transformation coaching practice
That the job had to be completely remote was paramount. I was going to have to relocate for my sister’s health; she needed to live at sea-level, but I live at an altitude of 6,500 feet, which meant she couldn’t move here. So, I needed to figure out the best places to move where she could get the best medical help she required; sell my house and buy or rent a new house, get myself relocated from Colorado, and get Colleen relocated from Nevada. Having a 100% remote job would give me the time and the means to do this.

And within two months, the Universe manifested the perfect job: a Project Management contract position that was 100% remote; paid the same salary that I was making when I left the workforce at the end of 2014; required employees to work 18 months, step away for 6 months (and collect unemployment, if desired, and pursue other personal or professional pursuits), and then hire back on for another 18 months; and, once mastered, required very little time each day to manage assigned projects, which allowed me to pursue other interests. The only downside was that contractors received no benefits. But, since Colleen would be living with me, and her income would help supplement mine, this wasn’t a concern.

I interviewed for the job over the course of three days (hiring company, employer-panel situational interview, finishing up with the VP of the business unit I would be joining). I was confident that I would receive a job offer, which I did—two days after Colleen died.

I accepted the job and began work in September 2015. After all, I still needed a job, and the fact that I had to handle all of the final arrangements for Colleen made having a remote job much easier to take care of business in the coming weeks and months. Plus, many of my current circumstances and needs were still the same: sufficient income and lots of time to pursue my other interests. Perfect!

So, perfect, in fact, that I resigned two weeks ago, and Friday was my last day.

But I still believe that the Universe did, in fact, manifest the perfect job for me. I simply needed to come to understand why it was perfect for me—and why I needed to leave it.

“It will all become clear as we walk along. It is in walking a path that we come to understanding.” Margaret George

As early as October, I realized that something was wrong.

At first, I thought that I didn’t like the work because I had, quite simply, forgotten how much I disliked being the new kid on the block. It had been many years since I started a new job, and, when I left my last job, I was considered the go-to-guy with 11 years of knowledge and experience to back it up. Hubris, I admit, but there it is.

Then, I remembered something that I had written about this job in my journal when I first applied: “The job has two elements that I detest: it’s a glorified secretary’s job; you have to follow up with everyone about everything. And, you have to spend your entire day ‘herding cats.’ But I’m sure I can get used to this. After all, I need a job, and I’ve always wanted a remote job.”

Teleworking isn’t for everyone. You need to be disciplined enough to structure your time. You need excellent communication skills, self-reliance, resourcefulness, flexibility, and confidence in your abilities. If I may say so myself, I have all of these qualities in spades. And I’m certainly self-reliant and resourceful; I’ve taken care of myself and my dogs by myself for the last 12 years.

And so, I’ve teleworked often over the last 20 years, and it suits me.

But I came to understand that “telework” is not the same as “100% remote.” And while I love being able to telework, I’ve come to learn that I hate being 100% remote—especially when you live in a remote place in the first place, like I do. Where getting to a town is a 20-minute drive in the best of circumstances, and seeing your friends can be an odyssey. Plus, while it’s true that you can work from anywhere so long as you are “available” during your working hours (which, in my case, was 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.), the ironical flip side is that you have to be 100% available during those hours—watching emails, responding to IMs, participating in online training—which can be challenging trying to find free Wifi and hotspots if I want to work someplace other than my own house.

But while none of this was insurmountable, one surprising (at least to me, at the time) observation became a frequent entry in my journal: I was lonely.

This was never an issue when I teleworked; I was in the office as often as I was out of the office, and so I never felt real loneliness. Admittedly, I frequently needed “by myself” time; being a practicing empath, it was important to recharge my psychic batteries regularly.

But now, I was 100% remote, and the one person I could always count on being 100% available to me wasn’t available at all anymore: my sister, Colleen.

The Universe manifested exactly what I wished for: the perfect job. But it finally dawned on me why it was perfect: not because it was remote or because it paid me a good salary or was pretty easy to manage during the day. Rather, it was perfect for me because of what it taught me about myself. And the most important lesson was that I needed to accept my Authentic Self and what I needed and wanted in order to find that emotional connection.

This is how the Universe works: the answer we receive might not be the answer we think we’re looking for. So, it’s our job to glean from it what the answer truly means for us and why the answer is, in fact, perfect after all.

And once we discover the true meaning of the answer, it’s time to take the next step along that path to understanding.

Which, in my case, means that tomorrow I begin my new job. And what might that be?

Tune it next week to find out the surprising (at least to me) result!

And, as always, remember this: It’s NEVER too late to be what you might have been!

Want to know more about transforming limited thoughts and beliefs into limitless possibilities? Check out my Examine–Envision–Emerge Personal Transformation Book Series. Each book explores a particular aspect of thought healing. Find yours online at your favorite retailer today!

Monday, January 11, 2016

Trick Questions

#ThoughtHealing Quote for the Week: “Life is simple. You just have to stop trying to figure it out.” Marty Rubin

Question: What do you do with a blue monster?
Answer: Cheer him up!

This is one of my favorite jokes, told to me by a former co-worker over 30 years ago. Obviously, I’ve never forgotten it.

Why? Because it cheers me up, every time, even when I’m not blue. And because it reminds me how easy it is to make things far more complicated than they really are or need to be. After all, the answer is pretty obvious, isn’t it? It’s not a trick question, but I’ve never found a single person who was able to answer it (including me).

(I also want to point out that this same co-worker told me another joke: Question: What’s orange and smells like carrots? Answer: Bunny farts. While rabbits are one of my most sacred animal guides, somehow bunny farts don’t lend themselves to thoughts about personal transformation. Although, I have to admit, I still think this joke is funny, too.)

Muhammad Yunus said, “Things are never as complicated as they seem. It is only our arrogance that prompts us to find unnecessarily complicated answers to simple problems.”

I’ve shared many times that I have a tendency to overcomplicate things. I like to think it’s a result of my natural abilities as a project manager and business process engineer, rather than arrogance. However, I’m pretty sure that there’s a healthy dose of that character flaw mixed into this as well.

I recently took one of those Facebook quizzes to determine what type of “seeker” I am. My results showed that I am a seeker of knowledge, that I need to know all answers to everything. NOW.

Clearly, I already knew this.

One other thing I already know is that, when we pass over to the Other Side, we will have access to the Akashic Records, which holds all knowledge of all things. The Akashic Records or "The Book of Life" can be equated to the universe's super computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world.

As a seeker of knowledge, I’m really looking forward to browsing this cosmic supercomputer because I have more than a few questions.

However, I must admit that there are times when I’d like to know the answer to some great mystery that I’m witnessing right now. Not only am I arrogant, I’m also impatient. So given that I plan on living many more years, and given that I am a seeker of all knowledge and wisdom, I’m afraid there are times when I can’t wait that long for the answer.

Take, for example, someone who drives well below the speed limit on a road with no passing lanes, but plenty of places to pull over—and a string of cars piled up behind, whose drivers are praying that the person will suddenly become enlightened, look in the rearview mirror, see all of us behind, and courteously PULL OVER.

These are times when I want to follow the person until they finally do pull over somewhere, park, and get out of their cars. I want to go up to that person and say, “I believe that, in the end, the Akashic records will be open to us and I will know the mysteries of all things. But given that I plan on living many more years, and given that I am a seeker of all knowledge and wisdom, I’m afraid I can’t wait that long. So let me ask you this: Why didn’t you simply pull over?”

This doesn’t seem like a trick question, does it? Perhaps some darker force is at work here? Somehow I doubt it.

Alice Roosevelt Longworth said, “I have a simple philosophy: Fill what's empty. Empty what's full. Scratch where it itches.” I might add, pull over when you’re holding everyone up.

And, don’t forget: the next blue monster you run into, just remember to cheer him up!

Think about it!

And, as always, remember this: It’s NEVER too late to be what you might have been!

Want to know more about transforming limited thoughts and beliefs into limitless possibilities? Check out my Examine–Envision–Emerge Personal Transformation Book Series. Each book explores a particular aspect of thought healing. Find yours online at your favorite retailer today!

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Dance Moves

#ThoughtHealing Quote for the Week: “It’s never too late to be what you might have been.” George Eliot

Here’s your two-minute history lesson for the day: George Eliot was the male pen name of Mary Ann Evans (22 November 1819 – 22 December 1880). She was an English novelist, journalist, translator, and one of the leading writers of the Victorian era. She is the author of seven novels, including Adam Bede (1859), The Mill on the Floss (1860), Silas Marner (1861), Middlemarch (1872), and Daniel Deronda (1876), most of them set in provincial England and known for their realism and psychological insight. Middlemarch is considered one of the greatest novels in the English language. George Elliot used a male pen name to ensure her works would be taken seriously. Female authors were published under their own names during Eliot's life, but she wanted to escape the stereotype of women only writing lighthearted romances.

I first came across George Eliot while in college. I was an English major, and my plan was to become a college professor specializing in Victorian literature.

Fast-forward to now, and, clearly, I ended up on a different path (another story for another day).

But, I never forgot this quote. In fact, this sentiment has, over time, become my personal motto as well as my business’s tagline.

Next month, I turn 61. Cora Harvey Armstrong said, “Inside every older lady is a younger lady wondering what the hell happened.” Truer words were never spoken.

I remember my former mother-in-law once saying to me, “One day, you get up and leap out of bed, ready to begin the day’s events. Then, you suddenly notice that the only thing that has sprung out of bed is your boundless spirit. You look back and realize that your body is still lying there, trying to roll out of bed without groaning, and hoping not to fall over in the process.”

She and Cora must have been BFFs.

Bette Davis acidly observed, “Old age ain't no place for sissies.” I’d be lying if I told you that I disagreed with her. And, please, don’t try assuring me that 61 isn’t “old.” Try convincing my knees of that.

Of course, by now you’re probably wondering when the #ThoughtHealing part of this blog begins.

Hillel the Elder said, “I get up. I walk. I fall down. Meanwhile, I keep dancing.”

On the cusp of 61, I totally get the “get up, walk, fall down” part. But, like Hillel, I try to focus on the dancing. Because it really IS never too late to learn a new step, acquire a new skill, pick up a new taste in literature, set a new goal. Cross off something on your bucket list—and then add three new things to it.

Maybe even become a college professor specializing in Victorian literature.

I keep a journal, plus I have a daily diary that I like to enter the little things in, like when the meadowlarks return each spring or when the first geese begin their annual migration in the fall. My current daily diary actually ends on January 1, 2017. On the first day of this new year, I turned to that page and wrote this, “My new life looks nothing like it did one year ago today (written on January 1, 2016).”

And while I don’t know quite yet what that will mean or how I might want to manifest it, I do know this: truer words were never spoken.

Think about it!

And, as always, remember this: It’s NEVER too late to be what you might have been!

Want to know more about transforming limited thoughts and beliefs into limitless possibilities? Check out my Examine–Envision–Emerge Personal Transformation Book Series. Each book explores a particular aspect of thought healing. Find yours online at your favorite retailer today!